Descriptions of the world
Practice -->
About author and group effect
Instantaneous description is followed with instantaneous practice. Word as command
is practised with simple REPETITION.
All the world is energy, ruled with intent. What are the two commands mentioned in this
statement? You are right: ENERGY and INTENT. Make the "formal driving" of these command,
pumping them as muscles: 100-1000 repetitions per day is enough. This is the first step.
If all the world is energy, you have to add to yourself while you are looking
at this ALL: THIS IS ENERGY. Every thing - rough or subtle, inside or outside - which you
attention stands upon must be added by words: THIS IS ENERGY. Such is the second step.
The concrete dynamic meditation without separation from life routine.
Man is the energetic body (EB). Command: ENERGETIC BODY. Long but true. So, when your
attention falls (or stands) on yourself, please add to all your thoughts and feelings
(high and low) thereupon two words: ENERGETIC BODY. Call yourself (to yourself,
of course) not John or Mary, but ENERGETIC BODY. This is the third step.
All the words are commands, fragments of Intent. The whole language is at
your service to lay out the puzzle of intent, of your destiny with the key words-commands.
You will have to hold this puzzle by constant REPETITION of its pattern. Creative
variations are welcomed. Life is playful. Well, the practice is to select the COMMANDS
through seeking them in the lovely books and in life itself. They exist!
And more. Drive the command MIND. This practice direct your mind to itself, tends it
to feel itself...
For the present moment that is all. Practice commands during the period of
3-4 months and you will be another man. Not John or Mary only but the compact energetic body
with disciplined mind (government). And this mind besides its own tasks gives commands
to the "people" - body. Mind becomes not only talking but doing also.
Apropos, did you notice that description consists of words? Therefore it is also
In conclusion let's formulate the purpose of "commanding". It is simple: TO CHANGE.
Every man wants to change, doesn't he/she? Man is created to be discontented. Scientificaly
change is called TRANSFORMATION OF ENERGETIC BODY. More decently: awakening of EB.
More specifically and as the first steps: to AWAKEN in dreaming and to AWAKEN in waking.
It changes all the game, it is worth to struggle for.