Life-as-energy perception or Magic of words


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Descriptions of the world


Materials -->





About author and group effect


Michael Svetchnikov


All the world is energy. Hardly will anyone argue against this statement. Accordingly, man is also an energetic object or, better to say, ENERGY BODY. Energy can be differentiated in many features according to abilities of perception or its "frame of coordinates". If everything is energy, all the words (playing a very significant role in human life) are energy also.

In united and infinitely partible energy we can mark out a special energy called intent. Many was written about intent. This word is firmly established in terminology lists of many people. Intent is mysterious and beyond understanding for a mind, but man and all other energetic objects constantly deal with it. Through the words, including.

Function of words is dual. Above all they describe and make description of the world. This function is on the surface. But there is another property of words:
Therefore, when we tell ourselves and others different words (making inner dialogue), we give orders or commands. Whom? To energy body, ours or other's. These commands are performed with energy body better or worse. Suppose, I said: "Green". It is the command to my energy body (EB) to be attuned to corresponding energy flow. This command is performed easily (my EB knows it). But if I say some unknown term, EB will react also, but indefinably.

Suppose, we agreed (intellectually) that all the world is energy. So, why don't we perceive it as energy? 'Course energy is something fluid, all-pervasive and continuous. But we see a scattered separate things named with different words There is a part in EB which live very rough and rich life. This part is not very great, but it is very active. It is mind. Through the words it build and overthrow in itself the great worlds. All the words known to mind are tightly interlaced in associative chains, and every word-command awakes the scatterings of associations. Besides the habitual explaining work of mind, it can be used in another way. Mind can be used for giving commands to energy body.

The dominance of the descriptive function of words veils their command function. Once made description of situation (world) have no harm in itself, but its constant repetition fixes the reception tightly. Indirectly this description becomes a command to perceive and act in this way, not in any other. Energy body - by its most active part, mind - maniacally read and reread the world description (that is, inventory list of words, tightly twisted in associative chains). Per se, EB falls asleep, acting in automatic regime exclusively.

Words as commands are enlivened through their repetition AS COMMANDS TO ENERGY BODY - aloud or to oneself, with different filling - from total indifference to passionate intoxication, depending on your EB. Practice by itself determines the filling of command. Gradually the inner dialogue (maniacal rereading of world description) changes into the giving commands to energy body. Mind returns to its place in energy body and takes not all but only its own time. Other counterparts of EB begin to liven up - in particular, attention and will. While awaking EB signals about its wishes to move and to act. One need to permit its movements and actions, practicing different and numerous methods of living and development. The awaked EB can do the things unthinkable (not included in inventory list of mind). Certainly, the basic command is "to perceive everything as energy" or simply "ENERGY". Every thing that stops attention is confirmed aloud or to oneself as ENERGY. The second basic command is "to perceive oneself as energy body" or simply "ENERGY BODY". Variant is "Engage energy body". The basic command of another sort is "INTENT". It is more abstract and it allows to alive intent that hides in words. Words are the fragments of common Intent and their command part is veiled under the descriptive function. Gradually one starts to consider all the practices and actions as the work with EB and energies. What energies? External to EB. Their reception can be initiated (refreshed) with command "Great Emanations" for example. The practice of many applied commands is possible on the background of these basic commands. For example: HEALTH, I AM STRONG, MY STOMACH WORKS PERFECTLY One can infinitely vary the details because there is a bulk of problems in any EB. But it is important to remember, while giving theseapplied commands, that all of them are addressed to energy body, which in its turn decide what to do in case of the command LIVER, for instance. So, all the applied command are working on the background of basic commands. If not so, the mind will very quickly organize opposition in the form of doubt, and this doubt becomes the background. Therefore this short theory, this ULTIMATE PHILOSOPHY must be assimilated by energy body as Lord's Prayer, and this requirement has purely practical meaning. This applied aspect is used for a long time in very many practices.
Then one can practices commands "Perception", "Attention" , "Will", "Awareness", "Mind", "Impeccability", "Love", "Detachment", "Control", "Sensitivity", "Dreaming", "Transformation" The separate command is "Pause" or "Stop". The meaning of this command is zero, it is something like "Freeze!" for EB and mind as a counterpart of EB. It permits to relax from the infinite giving of commands - recognized or not.
Energetic "here-and-now" is devoid of past and future. Therefore the commands (if there is no any magical maneuver) should be formulated only in the present time without any "will be" or "become" - as simple statement.

Commands are similar to needles in the Chinese method of acupuncture. We put the needles-commands into energy body and disturb them periodically through repeating of commands. At first the chosen set of commands is passed formally, while EB is acquainting with commands. Then commands are engaged on demand of EB itself.

The examples of relatively meaningless (non-effective) commands (for EB) are "Inhale-Exhale", "Movement", "I am", "One, two, three" (inner counting). Breathing - as the most evident activity of EB for our perception - does not need a command. It already is. Therefore one can impart the command exercise on the breathing and combine it rhythmically with inhale and exhale. At the same time the mind will start his associative chains, but it is unimportant. But it is important to remember that you give commands to your EB, teach it, impregnate this sleepy creature with intent of these command, align it with Intent. "Breathed" words change the quality of perception of inner and outer dialogues, these infinite talks with oneself and others. The perception of texts changes also, because words-commands actively wigwag you (through your EB). The whole approach to the word is transformed also. Now one need not only comprehend the word but live it through as the command for energy body. Any teachings and texts will be formatted with your perception into command structure. They will be the sequences of commands and systems of commands. And how will YOU AS ENERGY BODY treat the commands addressed to you? Without mistakes, accurately in contrast to the mind which doubts in everything (and this is its work - to doubt).

What is it all for? What is the purpose of my existence? Where am I?... In the frame of this ultimate philosophy (perception of oneself as EB) these questions are solved easy and simply. What for? For awakening of EB. The purpose? The most complete revealing of EB possibilities (transformation of EB). Where am I? (Who is this "I"? maybe mind?) In the energy body. Mind can answer all these questions infinitely and in many words, explaining one set of words through another and vice versa. Naturally, EB is sleeping during this process.

The monotonous giving of different commands allows to realize an important energy of oblivion - the state of oblivion in EB. At first EB is quickened, but then in monotony of repetitions it falls asleep again, curtailing into the cocoon of oblivion. To catch oneself on this oblivion is an easy task during this practice, and seeing of oblivion becomes a useful thing in usual current of life. The regular catching of oblivion transmute oblivion into the potency. The awareness increases.

Maniacal rereading of world description to oneself and to others is an obvious stupidity - self-forgotten and uncontrolled. The practice of LAEP or MW (life-as-energy perception or magic of words) may help to redeem the words, extract them from the inventory list and make them alive for one's EB. This practice, however, is suggested not for the making of new language in order to speak unusually and not like all others. Commands are proposed for inner use only. But their copies (pale shadows of commands) remain in associative chains and are used in usual order. It is called "controlled stupidity". The variant of uncontrolled stupidity (the activity of mind only) may be the telling of this doctrine to everyone, especially when it is not yours yet, not lived through and experienced. Your fellows or authorities will explain you very quickly why you must never practice commands. The communication between the members of the training group is carried out, generally speaking, in the frame of controlled stupidity, that is, habitual inventory lists.

Our dear physical body with its organs and diseases is considered in this doctrine as the aspect of perception by EB of itself. So to speak, it is a habitual reference point , the coordinate system, in which later we receive other aspects of our own perception of EB: emotions, feelings, thoughts, soul, spirit, self Another habitual reference point in every human life is dreaming. But this coordinate system is less developed usually. It is waiting for its own explorer - and it is you yourself. To call oneself an energy body is an out-of-coordinate description, which aim is to perceive energy as it is.

The awaking EB has its own canon of behavior ("code of honor"), canon of "mobilus in mobile". It run risks to be caught in numerous energy traps without obeying this canon. This canon is called impeccability. The logic of this doctrine suggests to begin it's practicing on the basis of certain commands with some "body" practices. Let's list some commands appropriate for practicing of impeccability: Will, Sensitivity, Control, Detachment, Attention, Humility and Love. The practicing of impeccability begins not with the "bland print", but discloses the fixed in and fixing EB tightly "the belts" of non-impeccability. These belts include fear (in all its numerous forms), self-pity (and pity) and self-importance. These belts have their own somatic presentation in EB and powerful theoretical basis in the mind. All negative emotional phenomena with consequent great energy losses come to these three. The practicing of dissolution of non-impeccability is based on separating of somatic and mental counterparts of negative phenomenon through the command imparting and then combining of the commands with breathing.

The first results of practice looks like revealing of unnoticed earlier. Like light breaths of changed states of consciousness. Like unusually keen sensitivity. Like increased energy and lively life of all in everything. Like a keen sensation of one's own mortality and one's own chance. Like the infinite adventure, escaping from hiding of habitual intelligence. Like the common sense of the highest order.

The domination of descriptive function of words leads to extraordinary pettiness of human approach to the world-energy. Man appreciate: new-old, good-bad, necessary-unnecessary. The mind along with describing submerges into constant evaluative activity, having pushed the live energy experience into the deep dream. Therefore, the suggested practice permits, first of all, to catch the mind in its constant imparting of stereotyped valuations, and then to promote the immediate perception of energy with energy body, moving aside valuations to the subsidiary level.

Energy body is the secret for the mind. The process of making the secret alive is called mystery. Any engagement of EB is a secret for the mind, whenever he uses these or those words for phenomenon description. To engage the mystery through one or another method means to engage and enliven energy body. And vice versa: the enlivening of EB makes one's life not only intelligent, but first of all mysterial and fluid. But at first we have only methods to speak and feed the mind.

The regular meetings of training group do not serve to wag the tongues and minds. They serve for "pumping" of intent, for synchronizing of intent. And for working on impeccability

Yoga is a donkey's job, but the result is excellent! B.K.S.Yengar.
Repetition is the keynote of vital body. Max Heindel.
Pray in non-stop fashion.

The author knows the complete set of commands, that allows to move forward, that is to assemble the energetic here-and-now and its structure. But you may create or precipitate your own set, certainly.

The discussion of this doctrine and work in the group form is greeted. The author will be glad to be invited by groups and organizations. Those, who wish only to wag the tongues and minds, don't need to disturb thenselves. However, we shall start from the mind, 'course we have nothing more at first Intent is the alpha and omega.

Born in 1958. University graduate, physicist. For many years he was a programmer, then became a translator from English into Russian. He belongs to esoteric thought sphere from 1980. He participated in translation of the works of Alice Bailey, Max Heindel and other authors into Russian. He felt his vocation in the work with texts and word and defined the contemporary civilization as textual, but now the emphasis is changing. He lives and works now in Moscow, Russia.

October 2004

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